100 Book Publishing Tools for Authors

Get the tools you need to self publish your own book in 14 Days or Less, without waiting for traditional Publishers

This toolkit contains tools to help you research your book idea, write, edit, format, publish and even sell your book for profit

Tired of piling up book manuscripts in your head or on your computer, waiting for traditional publishers to help you publish? Well, wait no more! i have curated 100 tools to help quicken your publishing journey through self publishing.

Did you know that self published authors are blowing up the publishing industry with insanely good books they published themselves? Hey, I'm a self published Author with 9 books in the space of 5 years, all Amazon Bestsellers.

Self Publishing changed my life and my career, allowing me to travel the world to speak, move to my dream country and live a life of freedom, generating over a hundred thousand dollars from my books and the other income streams it provides me.

This too can be you, and this Toolkit is your first step to getting your book out of your head and into the hands of readers.

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